The “Big Green Heart” Tour

When it comes to understanding the impact that Lyme Disease has on the lives of individuals and families, there’s no better source of reference than going straight to the proverbial horse’s mouth. That’s why in October of 2014, we launched “The Big Green Heart Tour” – a campaign to bring awareness to the eight hundred and twenty-two people diagnosed with Lyme Disease every single day.

In thirty days we traveled over 10,000 miles and interviewed more than seventy Lyme Fighters in over twenty states. And that was just our first trip! We hope to do many more. In fact, our goal is to show people the impact that one single day has on the lives of eight hundred and twenty-two people, which is why we’re going to keep planning trips until we’ve met and interviewed eight hundred and twenty-two Lyme Fighters.

Check out the gallery below to learn about the Lyme Fighters we’ve met so far (more pictures coming soon!)and subscribe to our YouTube channel to be the first to know when we’ve started posting the interviews (coming May 2015).


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October 12, 2014: Met with the amazing Indee and her incredible family in Springfield, OR. Even though Indee has had to give up college and deals with extreme pain, fatigue and cognitive impairments daily, she still made us pumpkin soup from scratch and had it ready for us in to-go cups as she knew we were pressed for time. Is she awesome or what? A big shout out to Indee for being such a fighter and to her family for doing everything they can to help her find the care she needs.

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